My inspirations
I am compassionate about my friends.
They inspire me. And special thanks go to Sam who has encouraged me to go jogging with him for 2+ miles two to three times a week and I find the happiest moment of my day in the small hill loop close to Yahoo campus.
It is a shame that I have taken a break from gym and jogging in the last month due to various excuses but otherwise I have been on course for regular exercise for the last eight months.
My cholesterol level has been down a little ever since I started regular exercise in the gym and jogging with Sam. Not by much, I vaguely recall the number going from 248 to 221 and it is still far from the normal level of 200 and perhaps 180 as my ideal level.
I sure want to run and bike like any of my three friends in the pictures. They are the nicest bunch who have inspired me.
Actually the rainly season started, so I do rowing. Try it out, I remember there was a machine on the campus.
Next goal is cycling London-Paris, takes 3-4 days.
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