Smart & Witty
This is Wesley around 14th month. Back then, we were using the Olympus c-3040. I loved this shot of Wesley. He is a smart and witty and I don't see him resembling his Daddy and Mommy in personality. He is smart and witty. And he has every reasons to do well in life. I love him to death and yet there are times that I struggle with him at home and he is someone who gets me to rethink of my role in parenting on a constant basis. If I manage to survive him in parenting along with raising the family, I can achieve anything in life.I am so blessed for my family and yet I am still struggling every single day to be a good and responsible parent. He, his brother and my wife is my number one priority.
Looks like you are doing quite well with your kids. They do require a lot of your time and attention. But this is nothing compare to when they become teenagers.....
Small kids, small issues. Big kids, big issues.
Keep up the good work with the kids.
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