
AdSense $100 Movement Train

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I want to follow up on the AdSense $100 Movement with a new train trying to get participation from others in blogging on notable blogs of their friends so that a link train can be included for backlinks in the promotion of new blogs that are working hard to make it to the $100 mark or the subsequent $100 marks. Here are my blogs of notice that I have reviewed:
  • Apathetic Lemming of the North
    I especially like this blog for its good writing and diverse topics covered by my good friend Norski whom I have met in BlogCatalog. It covers many diverse topics that bloggers like myself can read up on to gain insightful knowledge into the unique world of blogging.

  • Moolanomy
    This is a finance blog that I truly admire with my BlogCatalog friend Pinyo. I admire at the content as well as the layout of this blog. Navigation is at ease and the blog posts are concise and provide insightful discussions on personal finance topics. Always a great read for me when I visit this blog

  • EBestAgent
    I have been wanting to find the third blog for this AdSense $100 movement. EBestAgent is one of the most interesting blogs that I have visited. It always has a post that I can share a laugh and there is a lot of interesting bits that I can gather in visiting the site. You won't be disappointed in visiting http://www.ebestagent.com.
  • Blog Cabin I really like this movie review site. It is presented nicely and I trust the ratings in this blog. A lot of detailed information along with good and honest writing.

  • Where is that money I normally don't like reading any blogs that has a 'money' title on it. I will be very suspicious of those blogs. But my friend Gerri has done an excellent job doing all the hardwork in providing valuable information for his audience.

  • Daisy the Curly Cat If you are a cat and animal lover, you have got to visit Daisy' blog. It is a nice find for me to see all the wonderful pictures of a curly cat. Extremely cute and refreshing.
Now Hin wonders what blogs of notice worthy of recommendation to others from his following 5 friends:
Instructions : ***Start Copy***

Proposition: Have a blog post to blog about other blogs that you recommend. You can choose one or more blogs in your post.

Tag Mode: Tag 5 of your blogger friends and include them in the train when they submit for this AdSense $100 Movement Train

Link Train: Add your anchor and post link for the AdSense $100 Movement posts below.

Blogroll for paticipants: (to be updated for new comers)
Instructions : ***End Copy**

And please inform the owner of your train when you have a post so that update can be done timely to include everyone on the train.


Brian H. Gill said... @ August 17, 2007 at 7:53:00 PM PDT

This is a good idea! Being the sort of person I am, I'm not doing quite what you expect, and describe.

However, there are two new posts now, one with a link back to this page, and another with a link to one of the blogs mentioned.

I hope you find people who follow a lead better than I do. Meanwhile, I'll be keeping an eye on this.

Anonymous said... @ August 19, 2007 at 11:16:00 PM PDT

this has been going on for sometime, its great to see the descriptive link train.They are worthy site you recommended.

Hin Man said... @ August 20, 2007 at 10:32:00 AM PDT

etienne, thanks for the comment. It is a bit disappointing to see the participation of promoting other blogger friends with a post. I am still hopeful that in times, some nice friends come along. All you need is to review one single blog that you recommend with few words.

Hin Man said... @ August 27, 2007 at 8:17:00 PM PDT

Roger, thanks for the invite. It would take me sometime to find a cat picture. As soon as I get one, I will join you in your blog for a post of my cat picture. Thank you.

Anonymous said... @ August 28, 2007 at 6:37:00 AM PDT

great post thanks for sharing see you around

Darryl Collins said... @ July 29, 2009 at 4:40:00 AM PDT

Not sure what you are trying to do, so give me more info send info to darrycllns@yahoo.com

Joke and SMS said... @ September 13, 2010 at 2:43:00 PM PDT

I don't understand this post, can you write in more simple language

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